Monday, October 26, 2009

Sonata No. 2 in A Minor

Started: 12-16-1998, 9:33 PM
Completed: 12-17-1998, 10:12 PM
London, England

I completed 13 sonatas while living in the UK, and this is the first of them. Of those 13, 11 were written in London. It's one of the only places on the planet to which I could imagine comfortably uprooting from Southern California and moving to spend the rest of my life. It was a wonderfully creative environment for me, and had I not been so busy at the time, I think I could easily have written inspired sonatas all day long there. Some of my favorite Mozart and Haydn pieces were penned in London, too. Maybe it's a remarkably inspirational place to foreigners.

This is really an easy and fairly fun sonata to play, in my opinion. There aren't any technical obstacles to speak of at all, and the bass consists largely of simple arpeggi and bouncy broken octaves. Like most of my sonatas, it's really melody-driven with nothing too thick or complicated harmonically, so it's more likely to appeal to the listener and the player than the scholar.


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